Evan Dream Kitchen
DKC橱柜公司Dream Kitchen Cabinet DKC厨房橱柜,提供专业的橱柜设计和制作安装服务。 公司多年来以高档的产品和精致的服务为伦敦及周边地区的居民打造完美的厨房橱柜,致力于为消费者提供最完美和时尚的精品橱柜。 全新品牌枫木实木柜 主营橱柜、台面 免费测量与估价 免费3D设计 专业卫生间,地下室装修 我们提供全伦敦范围内最低价保障,用最低的价钱,提供精致的服务。 我们的业务范围: -专业3D设计 -高档实木、MDF橱柜 -专业安装厨房及卫生间橱柜 -各类台面:人造石,花岗岩,石英石等(含运输与安装) -专业卫生间,地下室装修
购买全套厨房,赠送门把手,阻尼缓冲合页,不锈钢水盆。 质量保证,台面一周内到货,橱柜两周内到货,拥有专业的安装装修团队,服务一流。
欢迎到我们的展厅参观选购: 1885 Blue Heron Dr. London Ontario N6H 5L9 网址:www.dreamkitchencabinet.com 营业时间: 周一到周五:上午9:30至下午 5:00 周六:上午10:00至下午 4:00 Lowest Price Guarantee Kitchen Cabinet and
Countertop in London
Your Kitchen is
more than stone and wood, more than frame and trimmings; your kitchen is an
extension of you and your family, a reflection of your character and
personality. The designs you choose, the colours, the ambience you seek to
achieve, all these aspects of make your new kitchen your home. We are here to
capture the dreams and ideas you have for your new KITCHEN. We want to make our
kitchen your kitchen.
Kitchen cabinet lowest price guarantee in
1885 Blue Heron
Drive, Unit 5, London, ON N6H 5L9
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