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发表于 2016-4-20 12:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
各公司招聘经理您好,7 v" |! i2 E" n9 X6 V* |9 ^

2 Y5 k+ u% Z* I, y$ G5 I我从西大毕业不久,本科金融经济专业,有两年的工作经验 期间受到好评(一年在政府福利餐厅当志愿者,一年在国内当英语助教),有工卡,有G牌和车,目前正在寻找销售,客服,文职管理类的工作。2 E2 y8 W  d7 M) a, g6 Q

5 G) q9 a2 a! Y1 C为人踏实肯干,勤奋好学,诚实有礼,能讲流利的英语和普通话,能熟练操作电脑,时间安排很灵活,暑期不回国,经过培训后能立马开展工作。. d9 A( Y% J1 g
1 Y' n) r3 K& H8 I
如果您的公司需要用人,欢迎联系我,e-mail: g454202343@gmail.com
, }7 [& k6 s& F: @3 T( L3 z; t6 n$ U
也希望与同样在找工作的小伙伴们多多交流, 多谢!
+ l: {) R7 {( E9 ]- B7 N, |$ @  i' N# Z$ u. E, \* n  k2 i
% b* B: {7 n! A8 r8 s
Dear Recruiting Managers,2 O2 W, }  _5 r9 ^

! A) C7 v- X& Y- i! OI am a Western graduate student with Bachelor degree, Specialization in Financial Economics.  I have been greatly satisfied by my bosses and customers during working periods (as the volunteer for one year, and as the assist teacher for one year). Recently, I am seeking a job related to customer service, sales, and administration.
1 n4 S: D* n1 R+ j% Y7 z5 F" y/ y) z! M) x* S
- Customer services and sales skills
5 _+ K, G9 H1 i3 k9 t; L- Fluently bilingual in English and Mandarin8 W( R  _) s3 B0 P; k# @
- Skilled in computer operating
6 }0 X8 X+ `$ }* }% |. W- Own car and G license7 e% J* \! N9 X1 D) i9 ^9 ]
- Valid work permit
0 M& \4 ]7 r$ I( X& {: }. P9 O- Flexible Shifts6 T+ D' I5 i  t# T

0 k+ B. _: J- \. D2 d6 x$ aI am kind of person hardworking, fast learning, and friendly. I can work now and able to work in summer vacation also.
) d, U9 m9 b  S: q% {2 f! H
$ B' X' b! u) g8 J: {+ g9 ]If you would like to know much about me, please contact me, E-mail: g454202343@gmail.com- U! q' i' x  Z5 ~0 k
8 ?0 E* u0 v6 f* d* E8 v, S( e4 }

3 v6 ?( a9 `) h& N3 _3 N
0 q5 T+ D$ H/ t' j) HThanks
* z- G- y0 V7 L: S  t; T' Z9 \- u3 z+ j- ?0 Z9 R' F5 }
' }1 u% I+ c! c
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